Fitness Model
I've always had a dream of not just having a top class physique but also have proper fitness with(stamina, strength speed, endurance) at the same time. I wanted to be the person who could help people achieve their goals and lead a healthy lifestyle through natural approach. Natural approach is what I've seeked for. I wanted and still want make people aware of how precious life is and how we can accomplish our dreams without using drugs or chemicals. But didn't know where/how to start as I wasn't confident enough and was completely off the track.
It's then (2015) when I met Sir Pulak Biswas (a master in this field)and the power of fitness family, surrounded by the like-minded people I realised that this is what I want in life and this is the only wish that can bring happiness in my coming years. Yes, there were times when I almost gave up, but I'm glad that I didn't. Thankfully I have a coach a guide a big brother to see every step of his students. He always supports and motivates those who are in need.
We all know that nothing worth having comes easy. Everyone has to put on their 100% to have the feeling of victory.
Can't thank you enough sir for helping me find the potential within myself and guiding me through everything that a struggler faces. Thank you for teaching me the real meaning of fitness. Will forever be grateful for showing me the way to lead.